First Full Time Staff Position Established

Marty Strenczewilk (at the mic) addresses those who attended the opening of the Sacred Space, September 16th, 2022, alongside Creative Nations members Bruce Cook (far left), Kelly Holmes (far right) and JayCee Beyale (to her left)

As a young arts organization, it’s an exciting moment when you’ve built up to the point where you can bring your first full time staff member into the mix. We’d like to announce that Marty Strenczewilk (Ojibwe) has stepped into the now full time role of Managing Director. Marty joined Creative Nations in 2020, first as a member, then as it’s first part time Managing Director, and for the last two years as a member of the Leadership Council that oversees the organization. He is a playwright and the originator of our new First Storyteller’s Festival, a new annual event focused on developing works for the stage by Native artists.

For the 2024-25 year, Marty is focused on the following main areas of importance:

  • Building a strong revenue base to grow our staff by two additional part time members: marketing and education

  • Beginning the process of becoming our own 501(c)3 organization over the coming years, to fully take our destiny into our own hands

  • Training young artists through internships for Native high school and college students and launching our first Native Youth Arts Education program this fall

  • Establishing new partnerships with arts organizations across Colorado to expand the areas we reach and create new opportunity for artists

  • Grow the collective through relationships with more local Native artists across multiple genres, age and career stage

If you’re interested in getting involved, please get in touch through our contact page!


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